Can you please answer:- Since we are using KNIME to run our as per our requirement. In our workflows , we compare customer data in 2 data bases , one oracle and one Hive and then we want report out on how much data is matched and how much is not . so now we want to group some customer ids based on locations of the customers to see from which location we are getting more mismatches. Can you tell me what all nodes should I use to get this type of customized report
It is not very clear how you want to do the comparison, but I think you will need the Joiner node. After that you can use the GroupBy node to use the GroupBy node to compute the mismatches by location, but before that you should use for example a Rule Engine node to convert the missing values created by the Joiner to a value (if the original datasets have missing values in the interesting columns, you should change them before the Joiner) and all other values to a different value.