So I am trying to make a general C++ static that just holds string variables. I am using Unreal Engine 4 in this project. I have a working solution, but am looking to see if what I do in C# can be done in C++.
Working Solution (C++): DFControllerGameModeBase.h
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/GameModeBase.h"
#include "DFControllerGameModeBase.generated.h"
#define MoveForwardInput "MoveForward"
#include "DFControllerGameModeBase.h"
void ADFCharacter::Play(){
string text = MoveForwardInput;
However this is what I do in C# with Unity:
using System;
namespace Assets.Scripts.Helpers
public static class Utilities
public static string MoveForward = "MoveForward";
using Assets.Scripts.Helpers;
void Play(){
string text = Utilities.MoveForward;
If you have no problem with encapsulation and will not be using the statics in Blueprint, then just using #define will do.
You also want to use capital letters for #define naming convention.
#define MOVE_FORWARD_INPUT "MoveForward"
But if you want it encapsulated and be able to call it in the Blueprint. Then you'll have to create a static helper class.
class Utilities
static const FString MoveForward;
//create BP getter function here
const FString Utilities::MoveForward = "MoveForward";