I am developing some software in college and me and my partner are spliting the work and he sends me the code in raw and I commit it, but I want to commit his code in my NetBeans 11.0 on his name but i can only commit on mine and i want to be able to do it. Is it possible?
I already added 2 [user] camps to .git/config file in the repository but only i appear on the commit section on NetBeans CSV camp.
Here is a quick image of what I am referring to:
The normal NetBeans "Git commit" dialog does have Author and Committer drop-down lists, that allow to differentiate between those who made the change and who physically committed the file if necessary.
As shown by bug 239587, you should be able to type directly the username <email@com>
of the author (even though you can keep your default Git config user.name/email
for the committer field)