I use cucumber-jvm in external framework
I need code for match cucumber steps and Gherkin sentence. In cucumber-jvm, how to match the good expression. I need this, because in V2.x.x is it regep (not cucumber expression).
Gherkin: I wait 3 seconds.
match with @Then("I wait {int} second(s)\\.")
Gherkin: I wait 1 second.
match with @Then("I wait {int} second(s)\\.")
public boolean match(String cucumberExp, String gerkinSentence) {
boolean result = false;
return result;
I find this in unit test of cucumber-jvm if help you:
public void unknown_target_type_does_no_transform_data_table() {
StepExpression expression = new StepExpressionFactory(registry).createExpression("Given some stuff:", UNKNOWN_TYPE);
List<Argument> match = expression.match("Given some stuff:", table);
assertEquals(DataTable.create(table), match.get(0).getValue());
Solution is:
private static List<?> match(String expressionString, String text) {
Expression expression;
ParameterTypeRegistry parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry(Locale.ENGLISH);
expression = new CucumberExpression(expressionString, parameterTypeRegistry);
List<Argument<?>> args = expression.match(text);
if (args == null) {
return null;
} else {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Argument<?> arg : args) {
Object value = arg.getValue();
return list;
You can valid this solution with:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String res = new Gson().toJson(match("I expect to have {string} with the text {string}(\\?)", "I expect to have 'foo' with the text 'foo'?"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I expect to have {string} with the text {string}(\\?)", "I expect to have 'foo' with the text 'foo'"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I wait {int} second(s)(\\?)", "I wait 1 second?"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I wait {int} second(s)(\\?)", "I wait 1 second"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I wait {int} second(s)(\\?)", "I wait 2 seconds?"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I wait {int} second(s)(\\?)", "I wait 2 seconds"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I wait {int} second(s)(\\?)", "I wait 2 seconds!")); //false
res = new Gson().toJson(match("I poc", "I poc"));
res = new Gson().toJson(match("If {string} matches {string}, While {string} respects {string} I do with {int} max tries:", "If 'foo' matches '.+', While 'demo.DemoPage-big_title' respects 'This is a demo for NORAUI.*' I do with 3 max tries:"));
result is:
["foo",".+","demo.DemoPage-big_title","This is a demo for NORAUI.*",3]