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pugixml include dir set to not found from pugixml config cmake files

I am trying to compile this project: from source. Pugixml is a dependency

I have built pugixml from source and set PugiXML_DIR and PUGIXML_INCLUDE_DIR And it still gives me error: "CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND."

Things I have tried:

  • I am doing this on windows, using cmake 3.14 and visual studio 2017.
  • I have successfully built pugixml from source and included the .lib file as well
  • I have tried including and excluding combinations of PUGIXML_INCLUDE_DIR, PUGIXML_LIBRARY, PugiXML_DIR.

This is the error I get:

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
   used as include directory in directory 
   used as include directory in directory cpp/ASAP/multiresolutionimageinterface

Other information: setting PugiXML_DIR is mandatory, and the cmake looks for a file named "pugixml-config.cmake" in that directory. And the config cmake file is supposed to point to compiled lib file. But when it wasn't able to find, I simply copied the lib file I compiled to the location pugixml-config.cmake was pointing.


  • In ASAP versions before 4.04.2019 they play dirty games with extracting include directory from the IMPORTED target. annotation/CMakeLists.txt:30:


    In some cases this results in setting PUGIXML_INCLUDE_DIR variable to "-NOTFOUND", thus you got corresponded error message from CMake.

    In commit 36d8bd75 they add FindPugiXML.cmake script, which handle find_package(PugiXML) call instead of configuration script shipped with PugiXML. In that find script they obtain include directory with find_path, which looks more natually:

    find_path(PugiXML_INCLUDE_DIR pugixml.hpp)

    Because in newer ASAP versions the configuration script (pugixml-config.cmake), shipped with PugiXML, is no longer used, one cannot hint about PugiXML location with PugiXML_DIR or PugiXML_ROOT. In case PugiXML is installed into non-system-default location, one may simply set PugiXML_INCLUDE_DIR variable to the PugiXML include directory.