Im using Pell's WYSIWYG text editor on my site.
Its working fine to create content and save that on the databse, but id like also to edit by import the text from databse into the editor like i do on input with value="$var".
I tried following withouth success:
<div id="editor" value="$VAR" class="pell">$VAR</div>
HTML output:
<textarea class="displayno" value="$VAR" id="html-output" name="catdesc[]">$VAR</textarea>
May it will be necessary to import the text inside the init of this script:
var editor = window.pell.init({
element: document.getElementById(\'editor\'),
defaultParagraphSeparator: \'p\',
onChange: function (html) {
document.getElementById(\'html-output\').value = html
Can anyone help me out there ?
I was able to do it bymyself:
Add to init:
contentDatabase: function () {
html = document.getElementById(\'html-outpu\').value;
return html;
Inside the editor script add after intializing "content" and "settings":
var addContentDatabse = settings.contentDatabase();
content.innerHTML = addContentDatabse;