I am trying to automate twitter API. when tried to print "js.get("text") using
System.out.println(js.get("text")); I am getting error as "The method println(boolean) is ambiguous for the type PrintStream"
I downloaded jars and passed in Build path as well "scribejava-apis-2.5.3" and "scribejava-core-4.2.0"
Below code is not allowing me use println for ------>js.get("text")
public class Basicfunc {
String Consumerkeys= "**************";
String Consumersecretkeys="*******************";
String Token="*******************";
String Tokensecret="***************************";
public void getLatestTweet(){
RestAssured.baseURI = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses";
Response res = given().auth().oauth(Consumerkeys, Consumersecretkeys, Token, Tokensecret).
String response = res.asString();
JsonPath js = new JsonPath(response);
Use System.out.println(js.getString("text"));
instead of System.out.println(js.get("text"));
, because get
returns any primitive value.
I think your problem is that your twitter response is actually a list.
Try to use System.out.println(js.getList()[0].get("text"));
and be aware that you are only using the first [0]
entry and ignoring the rest.