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Correct way to implement single DB pool throughout express app

Note: This problem is mainly about singleton objects in node and not DB pools

I'm building an expressjs app using mysqljs node module for DB connections. I want to create a single pool object that can be reused throughout the app (for the different models etc). I want to know what is the correct way to use a single object instance throughout an express app

I've seen many examples where people create a db.js file or pool.js file like so and require it where they need it

// db.js
var mysql = require('mysql');
var pool;
module.exports = {
    getPool: function () {
      if (pool) return pool;
      pool = mysql.createPool(dbConfig);
      return pool;

// app.js
var pool = require('pool').getPool();
pool.query('SELECT * FROM users');

However I feel this is still not the correct approach as you are relying on the nodejs cache to return the same instance every time you require the object. If the node ended up loading the code twice you would end up with two pools, e.g.

const poolA = require('./pool').getPool();
const poolB = require('./POOL').getPool(); // resolves to same file but node will not get result from cache

console.log(poolA === poolB); // false

From most things I've read, it is generally not recommended to use singleton objects in your node applications because of this behaviour, but this seems like a common use case for express apps. So I was wondering how are people creating their single pool for the lifetime of their application?

Note: What I've currently been doing is instantiating the pool in the app root and then passing the instance as a constructor function parameter but I also am not fond of this


  • Short answer

    I don't see any problem in your code.

    Long Answer

    This solution is assuming you don't actually have a file named POOL.js with the same exact code.

    The below require is resolving to the same file as pool.js because you're using a filesystem with case-insensitivity enabled. For example NTFS or APFS.

    const poolB = require('./POOL').getPool();

    If you use case sensitive file system like ext4 then you would get error.

    Error: Cannot find module './POOL'

    Internally node caches files based on the file path name you provide. From source:

    const relativeResolveCache = Object.create(null);
    relResolveCacheIdentifier = `${parent.path}\x00${request}`;
    const filename = relativeResolveCache[relResolveCacheIdentifier];
    if (filename !== undefined)

    Since JavaScript is case-sensitive, an object (the cache, from above) with property (simplyfying) pool and POOL is going to be different and refer to entirely 2 different object reference.


    Watch out for gotchas with file names or identifier names.