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Integration of FullCalendar into Apache Royale

I'd like to start a Apache Royale Project which needs Calendar/Scheduler functionality. I have been working a lot with FullCalendar which is a great library. Would it be possible to integrate FullCalendar in Royale and if so, how should I do it?


  • I'd started working on a basic way of doing this - wrapping up the JavaScript functionality that I found from FullCalendar 4.1.0 and using the 'default' sample as a model. Putting this into a simple AS3 class means that you can then use the functionality from within your MXML files or create it within AS3, and manipulate it as you would any other Royale UI element.

    More work needs doing to this - i.e. supporting the other plug-in types (fairly straightforward to do) and extending the API that's supported. But it shows how it can be done.. feel free to suggest/contribute changes! I've put it into github here
