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Linked In API returning 403 (Forbidden) when a request for email-address is made

I am trying to get a user's email address from their Linked In.

I complete the whole OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow and get an access token but when I make a GET request to the endpoint, it returns a 403 (Forbidden) HTTP status code.

Here is what happens:

  1. When I specify r_liteprofile r_email-address as the permission in the scope parameter when making a request for an authorization code, and when asking for data, as the fields, the parameter projection=(localizedFirstName, localizedLastName, email-address), I get a 200 HTTP Status code but in the result JSON, I get only the localizedFirstName and localizedLastName values.

  2. If I specify just the r_emailaddress permission in the scope parameter and projection=(email-address) when asking for data, I receive a 403 (Forbidden) Status Code.

  3. If I specify just r_emailaddress in the scope field and leave out specifying any fields, i.e. I hit the endpoint without any parameters (but the access token sent appropriately in the Authorization header as a Bearer scheme token), I get a 403 (Forbidden) HTTP Status Code.

My application does have permission for r_emailaddress as that is a basic permission that is granted to all applications upon creation and does not need approval.

enter image description here

Am I hitting the right endpoint for getting the email address? Everything seems to be alright but I still get a 403. What's going on?


  • The request to retrieve the email address is:


    You need to request the r_emailaddress scope to use this endpoint.

    See for reference.