Search code examples

How to distinguish between day and night shifts by looking at past sign in times?

Currently, the report uses predefined times. But sometimes employees overstay their shift and they creep into the next shift report. How do I modify the report query to look at the past sign in times to avoid this? In the TIMEATT column 1 is entry and 2 is exit. Light blue highlights the correct entries and yellow signify incorrect entries.

Day shift report for 29th has 'Done, Jane's' entry time from night shift Day shift report for 29th has Done, Janes entry time from night shift

Night shift report for 29th has 'Do, Jone's' entry time from day shift Night shift report for 29th has Do, Jones entry time from day shift

Below query creates a temp table with the same data as in the screenshots.

CREATE TABLE #temptable ( [Company] nvarchar(60), [ID] int, [NAME] nvarchar(130), [TIMEATT] int, [Time_CST] datetime )
INSERT INTO #temptable
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 1, N'2019-04-28T18:00:27' ), 
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 1, N'2019-04-28T18:00:28' ), --Sometimes people tap their card twice 
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 2, N'2019-04-29T06:00:55' ),  
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 1, N'2019-04-29T06:01:55' ),  
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 2, N'2019-04-29T06:04:55' ),  
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 1, N'2019-04-29T18:00:27' ), 
( N'Company Ltd.', 11111, N'Done, Jane', 2, N'2019-04-30T06:13:55' ),  
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 1, N'2019-04-29T06:20:17' ), 
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 2, N'2019-04-29T06:47:12' ), 
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 1, N'2019-04-29T10:33:33' ), 
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 2, N'2019-04-29T18:05:33' ),
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 1, N'2019-04-29T18:06:33' ),
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 2, N'2019-04-29T18:09:33' ),
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 1, N'2019-04-30T06:05:33' ),
( N'Company Ltd.', 22222, N'Do, Jone', 2, N'2019-04-30T16:05:33' )
-- Test table
-- 1 is entry and 2 is exit. Sometimes people double swipe their cards which results in two 1 entries.
select * from #temptable as T

--Report start
set deadlock_priority low;
declare @shift varchar(10) = 'night';  --Option to switch between day and night
declare @reportdate datetime = '2019-04-29'; --Date to be ran
declare @starttime datetime;
declare @endtime datetime;

select @starttime = (case
                         when @shift = 'day' then
                             convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('04:00:00.000' as datetime)
                         when @shift = 'night' then
                             convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('16:00:00.000' as datetime)
select @endtime = (case
                       when @shift = 'day' then
                           convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('23:59:59.000' as datetime)
                       when @shift = 'night' then
                           convert(datetime, dateadd(d, 1, @reportdate)) + cast('11:59:59.000' as datetime)

select Company
     , NAME
     , EmpID
     , startTime
     , endTime
     , sum(datediff(second, startTime, endTime) / 3600.0) as HrsWorked
( -- sub query to get matching exit time for each entry if it exists
    select Company
         , NAME
         , ID                                                                 as EmpID
         , Time_CST                                                           as startTime
         , lead(Time_CST, 1, null) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST) as endTime
         , TIMEATT
         , Time_CST
    ( -- subquery to exclude duplicate records
        select *
            select *
            ( -- subquery to identify records to ignore
                select Company
                     , NAME
                     , ID
                     , TIMEATT
                     , Time_CST
                     , case lead(TIMEATT, 1, 0) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST)
                           when TIMEATT then
                       end as Exclude                                    
                from  #temptable 

            ) a
            where Exclude = 0

        ) t
    ) n
) z
where TIMEATT = 1 -- filter so left column is always entry time.
      and startTime >= @starttime
      and endTime <= @endtime
--and Company in (@contractornames)
group by z.Company
       , z.NAME
       , z.EmpID
       , z.startTime
       , z.endTime
order by Company
       , NAME
       , startTime

--DROP TABLE #temptable


  • So Chris's answer gave me a good format to work with. I am checking to see if anyone has an entry within 4am-12pm and an exit with 12pm-7pm will be consdered day shift and anybody else will be night shift.

      set deadlock_priority low;
        declare @shift varchar(10) = 'day' --Option to switch between day and night
        declare @reportdate datetime = '2019-04-29' --Date to be ran
        declare @starttime datetime
        declare @endtime datetime
    select @starttime = (case
                             when @shift = 'day' then
                                 convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('04:00:00.000' as datetime)
                             when @shift = 'night' then
                                 convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('16:00:00.000' as datetime)
    select @endtime = (case
                           when @shift = 'day' then
                               convert(datetime, @reportdate) + cast('23:59:59.000' as datetime)
                           when @shift = 'night' then
                               convert(datetime, dateadd(d, 1, @reportdate)) + cast('11:59:59.000' as datetime)
    ;with NoDoubles
    as (select Company
             , NAME
             , ID
             , TIMEATT
             , Time_CST
             , case
                   when lead(TIMEATT, 1, 0) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST) = TIMEATT then
                   /* Allow for 10 minute grace period for swipes to be excluded */
                   when lead(Time_CST, 1, 0) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST) = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' then
                   when lead(Time_CST, 1, 0) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST) <= dateadd(minute, 1, Time_CST) then
               end as Exclude
        from temptable)
       , DayShiftEmpIds
    as (select distinct
                    when count(entertimes.ID) > 0 then
               )     as id
             , 'day' as shift
        --,case when count(>0 then 'day' else 'night' end as [shift]
        from temptable entertimes
           , temptable exittimes
        where entertimes.ID = exittimes.ID
              and ((
                           entertimes.Time_CST >= @reportdate + cast('04:00:00' as datetime)
                           and entertimes.Time_CST <= @reportdate + cast('11:59:00' as datetime)
                           and entertimes.TIMEATT = 1
                           exittimes.Time_CST >= @reportdate + cast('12:00:00' as datetime)
                           and exittimes.Time_CST <= @reportdate + cast('19:59:00' as datetime)
                           and exittimes.TIMEATT = 2
        group by entertimes.ID)
       , NightShiftEmpIds
    as (select distinct
             , 'night' as shift
        from temptable as VCCIOT
        where not exists
            select id from DayShiftEmpIds where DayShiftEmpIds.ID = VCCIOT.ID
       , AllEmpIdsWithShift
    as (select *
            select id
                 , shift
            from DayShiftEmpIds
            select ID
                 , shift
            from NightShiftEmpIds
        ) as alldata
        where alldata.shift = @shift)
       , InOut
    as (select Company
             , NAME
             , NoDoubles.ID                                                       as ID
             , Time_CST                                                           as startTime
             , lead(Time_CST, 1, null) over (partition by NAME order by Time_CST) as endTime
             , TIMEATT
             , Time_CST
        from NoDoubles
            inner join AllEmpIdsWithShift
                on = NoDoubles.ID
        where Exclude = 0)
    select Company
         , NAME
         , ID
         , startTime
         , endTime
         , sum(datediff(second, startTime, endTime) / 3600.0) as HrsWorked
    from InOut
    where TIMEATT = 1 -- filter so left column is always entry time.
          and startTime >= @starttime
          and endTime <= @endtime
    group by Company
           , NAME
           , ID
           , startTime
           , endTime
    order by Company
           , NAME
           , startTime;