I'm trying to write a simple Paint application in which the user will be able to open new JFrames
(in new Threads) with Drawing Panels, and each of those frames will have a JMenuBar
on top, however, only the last open frame has a functional menu bar, all the remaining (open) frames show menu but the menu doesn't work (nothing happens when I click). Does anyone know how to fix this?
I've simplified the code to leave only the sections regarding JMenuBar
The code consists of the following classes:
package sample;
public class Main {
Main() {
}//end of Main()
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main();
}//end of Main class
package sample;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TopMenu extends JMenuBar {
private JMenu menu_File;
private static JMenuItem menu_New;
public static JMenuItem getMenu_New() {
return menu_New;
public TopMenu() {
menu_File = new JMenu("File");
menu_New = new JMenuItem("New");
}//end of TopMenu()
}//end of TopMenu extends JMenuBar
package sample;
public class MainFrameThread extends Thread {
private static MainFrameThread mainFrameThread = new MainFrameThread();
public static MainFrameThread getMainFrameThread() {
return mainFrameThread;
public MainFrameThread() {}
public void run() {
MainFrame mainFrame = new MainFrame();
}//end of public void run()
}//end of public class FrameSizeDialogThread
package sample;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class ActionController {
private static ActionController actionController = new ActionController();
private ListenForMenu listenForMenu = new ListenForMenu();
public static ActionController getActionController() {
return actionController;
public ActionController() {}
public void clickOnMenu(TopMenu topMenu) {
//listener for menu
public class ListenForMenu implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
if(ev.getSource() == TopMenu.getMenu_New()) {
MainFrame newMainFrame = new MainFrame();
}//end of if(ev.getSource() == TopMenu.getMenu_New())
}//end of public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
}//end of public class ListenForMenu
}//end of ActionController class
and MainFrame.java
package sample;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
public MainFrame() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Paint Application");
//creating menu
TopMenu topMenu = new TopMenu();
//frame properties
frame.setSize(800, 600);
}//end of public MainFrame()
}//end of public class MainFrame
I'm stuck, nothing works, regardless where I initialise the MainFrame.java. Does anyone see the mistake???
however, only the last open frame has a functional menu bar
Swing components can't be shared. A Swing component can only have a single parent. So for every child window you will need to create a new JMenuBar
and JMenu
and JMenuItem
However, the Action
used by the JMenuItem
can be shared.
private static JMenuItem menu_New;
public static JMenuItem getMenu_New() {
return menu_New;
None of the variable or methods related to the menus should be static. Again, you need to create a unique instance of each.