I am using Rxjs. I have one observable and multiple subscription from different sources. I wish to trigger one function only once after getting first subscription to the observable. Is there any way to achieve this?
Not sure if this fits your scenario, but I have dealt with this in the past as well and found it best to conditionally return a different observable after checking for an initialization variable of some kind. Below is a working example of what I mean.
.subscribe((states) => this.states = states);
private _states: IState[];
getStates(): Observable<IState[]> {
if (!this._states) {
// we don't have states yet, so return an observable using http
// to get them from the API
// then store them locally using tap
return this.http.get<IState[]>('/options/states').pipe(
tap((answer) => {
this._states = answer;
} else {
// subsequent calls will just return an observable of the data needed
return of(this._states);
In the case above, it's easy to return a conditional observable. Hopefully this provides you some ideas on how to handle your conditional (only on the first subscribe) scenario.