I'm trying to find and replace a list of words inside a PowerPoint slide with values from cells in an Excel file. I'm running the VBA in PowerPoint and it gives this error.
Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)': The specified value is out of range.
The code seems to stop at this line (the first one):
Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
I've gone through other posts that have similar purposes and errors and tried about 20 different combinations, from both the Internet and from my ideas but none works.
Sub MergePPT3()
Dim pp As Object
Dim pptemplate As Object
'Dim headerbox As TextRange
'Dim contextbox As TextRange
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim ShpTxt As TextRange
Dim TmpTxt As TextRange
Dim FindList As Variant
Dim ReplaceList As Variant
Dim ExApp As Object
Dim ExInput As Object
Dim SuName As String
Dim WFWS As String
Dim WFYOY As String
Dim CGWS As String
Dim CGYOY As String
Dim RNKG As String
Dim MKTCAT As String
Set ExApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
ExApp.Visible = True
Set ExInput = ExApp.Workbooks.Open(ActivePresentation.Path & "/Testing.xlsm")
y = 2
SuName = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("B" & y).Value
WFWS = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("C" & y).Value
WFYOY = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("D" & y).Value
CGWS = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("E" & y).Value
CGYOY = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("F" & y).Value
RNKG = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("G" & y).Value
MKTCAT = ExInput.Sheets("SuIDs").Range("H" & y).Value
FindList = Array("SUNAME", "WFWS", "WFYOY", "CGWS", "CGYOY", "RNKG", "MKTCAT")
ReplaceList = Array(SuName, WFWS, WFYOY, CGWS, CGYOY, RNKG, MKTCAT)
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
'Store shape text into a variable
Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
'Ensure There is Text To Search Through
If ShpTxt <> "" Then
For x = LBound(FindList) To UBound(FindList)
'Store text into a variable
Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
'Find First Instance of "Find" word (if exists)
Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace( _
FindWhat:=FindList(x), _
Replacewhat:=ReplaceList(x), _
'Find Any Additional instances of "Find" word (if exists)
Do While Not TmpTxt Is Nothing
Set ShpTxt = ShpTxt.Characters(TmpTxt.Start + TmpTxt.Length, ShpTxt.Length)
Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace( _
FindWhat:=FindList(x), _
Replacewhat:=ReplaceList(x), _
Next x
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub
I used variable "y" as a possibility to loop this code for multiple rows of inputs within the Excel file.
Not all shapes have a TextFrame
From the documentation:
Use the
property to determine whether a shape contains a text frame before you apply theTextFrame
So try:
If shp.HasTextFrame
Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
End If