I have this method, this works as expected, it does not insert <string, value>
if string is empty, however I have an issue where the string does't always exists. I want to avoid appending anything if string does not exists.
public static class StringBuilderExtension
public static void AppendIfNotNull<TValue>(this StringBuilder sb, TValue value, string prefix)
where TValue : class
if (value != null)
sb.Append(prefix + value);
The issue is I am always passing the string key
sb.AppendIfNotNull(" width=\"", component.style.width + "\"");
This will appear as width=""
as I physically appended the string. How can I stop this from happening.
I can stop it from appear if I wrap it around an if statement
if (item.width!= null)
sb.AppendIfNotNull(" width=\"", item.width + "\"");
Object example. Property might exists in one object but might not on the next. e.g. Do not append color if it does not exists:
'id': 'Test',
'type': 'Text',
'style': {
'color': 'black'
'textSize': '12'
'id': 'Test',
'type': 'Text',
'style': {
'textSize': '12'
You could simply change your add from a string prefix
to a function that takes in TValue
and returns you a string
public static class StringBuilderExtension
public static void AppendIfNotNull<TValue>(this StringBuilder sb, TValue value, Func<TValue, string> transform)
where TValue : class
if (value != null)
sb.Append( transform( value ));
In this case, your transform will only be called when you are actually having a valid value
A sample way of using it could be
sb.AppendIfNotNull( token.style?.width, value => $" width=\"{value}\"" );
Where the ?
implies a conditional null check (so if token.style
is null, it would also be null)
I added a small sample to a dotnetfiddle where I did remove the generic type restriction ( because I was throwing numbers in ;) )