I have a few Bootstrap table on one page. Each table has some data attributes (like data-link="test-page"
and so on). Besides that, one column of each Bootstrap table uses a column formatter, using data-formatter="actionFormatter"
. However, I want to get the current table data attributes when actionFormatter is called, so based on the data attributes I can return a string.
Both this
and $(this)
return an Object, which doesn't work. $(this).closest('table').data()
doesn't work either, while I expected that one to be the most true.
Here's the code I use:
<th data-field="actions" data-formatter="actionFormatter" data-events="actionEvents">Actions</th>
returns a JSON object with the row properties, and $(this).closest('table').data(XXX)
return undefined. I expected it to return an array with all the data attributes.
Is there any way to get the current processing table from within the formatter?
Example code:
<!-- table 1 -->
<th data-formatter="actionFormatter">Actions</th>
<!-- table 2 -->
<th data-formatter="actionFormatter">Actions</th>
// actionFormatter:
function actionFormatter(value, row, index, field) {
// get data-actions from the right table somehow,
// and return a string based on data-url/other
// data attributes
It seems that when the action formatter is called, the execution context this
is an object with all the bootstrap table row associated data as well as all the data-*
attributes of the row.
Taking that into account you can add an id to each table and a data-table-id
attribute to your rows like:
<th data-formatter="actionFormatter" data-table-id="table-1">Actions</th>
so that in your formatter you can retrieve the table DOM Element by using that id:
function actionFormatter(value, row, index, field) {
// get data-actions from the right table somehow,
// and return a string based on data-url/other
// data attributes
var data = $('#' + this.tableId).data();