I am building an application which consists of 3 server. The first is my Authorization server
, the second is my Database server(API)
and finally my front-end server
. I want to use asymmetrical encryption to encrypt the access token generated by my Authorization server
so that sensitive data is not compromised and also so that i can send it along to my API
and verify that the user making a request is actually who they claim to be. Is there anything in Laravel Passport that will make this implementation possible or is it better to use a third party library like PASETO or PHP JWT Framework??
Currently when i make a request to the Api
Authorization server
to validate user using the access token.Auth server
validates the UserWhat i want to achieve with the Asymmetrical encryption is to eliminate the call to my Auth server
before every request to the API and i read that i can achieve this using asymmetrical encryption.
To solve my problem I ended up using the SimpleJWT library to encrypt the data in the access token. The data is encrypted in the JWE claims.
$headers = ['alg' => 'RSA-OAEP-256', 'enc' => 'A128CBC-HS256'];
$access_token = {"sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "iat": 1516239022}
// Creating JWE object with headers and claims
$jwe = new \SimpleJWT\JWE($headers, $claims);
$jwe_encrypted = $jwe->encrypt($foreing_server_public_key);
I later decrypt the token using the python library JWCrypto. I am thinking about making the switch to Authlib JOSE Guide because it seems to have a broader community and support.
//Decrypting JWE
//Private key should be key pair of public key used to encrypt token
jwetoken.deserialize(jwe_encrypted, key=private_key)
//Validating Signature since passport signs tokens when generating them
//Payload should contain encrypted data
data = json.loads(jwstoken.payload.decode())
>> {"sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "iat": 1516239022}