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Why does this ParallelForEachAsync method never return?

I try to execute this code async and parallel by using the ParallelForEachAsync method from this project: Dasync/AsyncEnumerable. Unfortunately the method never returns. The SampleProduct is a simple DTO which has a boolean property and two string properties. The GetOsmData method tries to get data via http-request, but often throws an exception.

My first attempt was without .ConfigureAwait(false), but has the same result...

If I try this method with a list of products (products.Count = 8) result.Count always stops by 7.

private async Task<ConcurrentBag<SampleProduct>> CheckOsmDataAsync(
    List<SampleProduct> products)
    var result = new ConcurrentBag<SampleProduct>();
    await products.ParallelForEachAsync(
        async product =>
            OsmData osmData;
                osmData = await GetOsmData(_osmUrl.Replace("articlenumber",
            catch (Exception e)
                osmData = null;

            if (osmData != null && osmData.PrintingData.Count > 0)
                product.OsmPrintImageAvailable = true;
                product.OsmPrintImageAvailable = false;

        // 0 => Chooses a default value based on the processor count
        maxDegreeOfParallelism: 0
    return result;


  • With the help of my colleague I could solve the problem... The problem was not inside the method itself, but only how it was called. I called it form the Main/UI-Thread synchronously. That seems to have caused a deadlock. Making the calling method async and awaiting the CheckOsmDataAsync() solved the problem.

    Nevertheless thanks for your responds!