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Kommunicate chat widget becomes transparent with custom settings

I have integrated Kommunicate service into my website and added a Dialogflow chatbot into it.

I have added the kommunicate widget successfuly and it worked well with the configurations as shown below:

var kommunicateSettings = {

But when I add the following settings, the widget asks to enter the name and email and when I submit it, the widget disappears with a transparent box with a shadow:

var kommunicateSettings = {
    "askUserDetails":['name', 'email'],

It does not show the chat widget now, what to do?


  • The issue was related to askUserDetails parameter. When askUserDetails parameter was passed, it was loading some firefox incompatible CSS which was causing this behavior. Now, this issue is fixed and not reproducible in the latest version of Kommuncate chat SDK.

    PS: I work for Kommunicate