Our team are using Spring Boot 2 with sql2o as db library. In the paste in our services, for trivial methods, we simply call the repository and returns the model. For example, if I have a Supplier table, I had in the service
public List<Supplier> findAll() {
return supplierRepository.findAll();
Now, since in our controllers we need 99% in the cases other objects correlated to the model, I would create a composite class that holds the model and other models. For example:
public List<UnknownName> findAll() {
List<Supplier> suppliers = supplierRepository.findAll();
List<UnknownName> res = new ArrayList<>();
UnknownName unknownName;
LegalOffice legalOffice;
if (suppliers != null) {
for (Supplier supplier in suppliers) {
unknownName = new UnknownName();
legalOffice = legalOfficeService.findByIdlegaloffice(supplier.getLegalofficeid);
return res;
What should the name of class UnknownName?
PS: I simplified the code for better redability, but I use a generic enrich() function that I call for all the find methods, so I don't have to dupe the code.
In the end, I adopted the suffix Aggregator
, following the Domain-driven design wording.