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Is it possible to get data that was sent over async connection?

I have a client that receives data over tcp and sends it over to another server. I'm trying to make sure that I don't lose any messages if any disconnect happens. In the SendCallback I check if the server was still connected. If the server got disconnected I want to save the message to a list to retry later.

Is there a way to get the string/byte array that failed to send?

        private static void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                Socket receiver = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
                int bytesSent = receiver.EndSend(ar);
            catch (Exception e)


  • It's send call back but before you try to call this call back you try to fill your buffer . it's StateObject containing buffer size and socket handler and so on . So your answer definitely is YES. You should read more about asynchronous socket programming in MSDN reference Website.