I am playing with Micronaut and what I currently miss is access to HttpServletRequest
and HttpServletResponse
. These normally allow to access things like:
Also I am not sure about alternatives for:
@RequestParam files: List<MultipartFile>
@RequestBody myClass: MyClass
https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/index.html#requestResponse and https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/index.html#binding shows how to bind to request parameters, cookies, headers, etc.
https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/index.html#uploads shows how to handle file uploads.
input/output stream (especially writing directly to output stream)
Micronaut does things differently so you don't have access to a stream to write to. You can return a reactive type to have your data pushed to the response as soon as it's available.
getting client IP
Typically available via the host header or https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/api/io/micronaut/http/HttpRequest.html#getRemoteAddress--
Edit: Sending an XML file chunked
@Get(uri = "/xml", produces = MediaType.TEXT_XML)
Flowable<String> getXml() {
return Flowable.create(emitter -> {
emitter.onNext("<<xml header>>");
//do some work
emitter.onNext("more xml");
emitter.onNext("<<xml footer>>");
}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER);