Search code examples

Is there a way to have querySelectorAll search only the children of an element, and not all descendants?

For example, if I have a snippet of a document:

<div> <!-- I have a reference to this: "outerDiv". -->
  <p> <!-- This is the <p> I want to select. -->
      <p> <!-- I don't want to select this <p>. --> </p>

(This is a hypothetical document. HTML parsers would not actually construct a DOM that looks like this.)

and a reference to the outermost <div> element, I'd like to somehow use outerDiv.querySelectorAll('p') to select only the <p> elements that are direct children of the outer <div>.

I can't use outerDiv.childNodes and search for the <p> elements because I actually have a selector that is much longer than "p" (e.g., it might look like "p > a > b"). I also don't have control over the HTML and can't use jQuery or other JavaScript libraries.

It's also not sufficient to prepend "div > " to the selector and apply it from outerDiv.parentNode since the inner <p> also matches "div > p".

Is there a clean way to do this without having to parse the CSS selector myself, too much?


  • Can you use body > div > p or whatever lies outside of the outermost div?