I would like to move a DOM element once the right arrow key is pressed.
The distance the element moves should be directly proportional to the length of the right arrow keypress.
I was thinking that perhaps I could use this jQuery plugin to find out when the right arrow key is being pressed down, and then add a certain value to the element's left
css value to make it seem like it's being moved.
However, I don't know exactly how to make this work. Is it better not to use the plugin and just use the jQuery's methods involved with keystrokes? I just need some help finding out the easiest and most effective way to accomplish this.
May be something like this using only jquery where the div you want to move has ID="d"
$("body").keydown(function(e) {
var offset = 5;
if(e.keyCode == '39') {
var pos = $("#d").position();
$("#d").css('left', pos.left + offset);
else if(e.keyCode == '37') {
var pos = $("#d").position();
$("#d").css('left',pos.left - offset);
Note that the div has to have