I have the following method that I want to test:
public String createUser(Keycloak keycloak) {
final Response response = keycloak.realm(this.realm).users().create(this.toUserRepresentation());
String userId = response.getLocation().getPath().replaceAll(".*/([^/]+)$", "$1");
return userId;
I have tried with this but the getPath() always return an empty string.
class UserTest {
@Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)
private Keycloak keycloak;
private Response response;
public void createUserTest() throws Exception {
URI uri = PowerMockito.mock(URI.class);
assertEquals("myid", user.createUser(keycloak));
How should I mock the URI.getPath() called so that it returns the expected value?
You probably need to include the class under test in the @PrepareForTest annotation. For example:
@PrepareForTest({URI.class, User.class})
Then uri.getPath() will return a non-empty value.
Please notice that you test URI will never evaluate to just "myid", it will also include "[\r][\n]".
("https://myserver/myid[\r][\n]").replaceAll(".*/([^/]+)$", "$1")