It's always hard to choose better variable/Type names. I am stuck choosing a name for an interface
I want to classify functions based on whether they return values or not. Here are some choices I made and why I rejected them.
ReturningFunction : a function which doesn't return is hung. I don't want to confuse
OutputtingFunction : a function which outputs to stdout can return void so we can't call it with this name
VoidFunction : a function which is void?
I tried googling but no luck. Please suggest some names :)
You may wish to reuse the interfaces provided by Java or, if they're not sufficient, follow their naming convention in the java.util.function package:
Similar to VoidFunction
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
Similar to ReturningFunction
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result.
Represents a supplier of results.
For "outputs to stdout", you probably don't want an interface at all. Instead, you'd want a concrete class like the following:
final class SystemOutConsumer<A> implements Consumer<A> {
private final BiConsumer<PrintStream, A> printStreamABiConsumer;
public SystemOutConsumer(
final BiConsumer<PrintStream, A> printStreamABiConsumer) {
this.printStreamABiConsumer = printStreamABiConsumer;
public void accept(final A a) {
printStreamABiConsumer.accept(System.out, a);