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How to pass JSON from static file to rest controller SpringBoot App

I have a stable SpringBoot project that runs. I want to add a end point that reads a json file from classpath and passes it through to the response without having to create any Model objects (pass thru).

I have no issues reading the json file into JsonNode or ObjectNode, I'm struggling with where to go next to set the data in my response object.

Added this caveat later, I do need to update the json from a database.


  • Ok, paired up with a colleague at work and we tried two things, return a string (escapes strings in REST output - returns a big String.) not good. What worked is setting the response object to a and calling mapper.readValue(jsonFeed, Map.class), that returned the JSON in proper object notation.

        @Value("${metadata.json.file}") //defined in application.context
        private Resource metaJsonFileName;
        public String getJsonFromFile(List<UnitUiItem> uiitems){
            JsonNode root;
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            InputStream stream = metaJsonFileName.getInputStream();
            root = mapper.readTree(stream);
            JsonNode dataNode = root.get("data");
            JsonNode optionDataNode = dataNode.get("storelocation");
           for(UnitUiItem item : uiitems){
            JsonNode unitNode = ((ObjectNode)optionDataNode).withArray("units").addObject();
   "buildMetaJson exit");
        return root.toString();
        //calling method
        String jsonFeed = getJsonFromFile();
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        response.setData(mapper.readValue(jsonFeed, Map.class));

    I have some code cleanup to do.. any cleaner ways of doing this?