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How to make LINQ query with Unions more efficient

I inherited the LINQ query below and I feel that the query can be refactored for efficiency. The query currently takes about 6-8 seconds of processing time to return one record to the user on the front-end of the application. LINQ is not my strong suite, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

The query should ultimately produce a distinct list of CA_TASK_VW objects that are tied to a list of distinct CA_OBJECT_ID's obtained from the CA_OBJECT, CA_PEOPLE, and CA_CONTRACTOR tables.

var data = (from a in _db.CA_TASK_VW
                    where a.TASK_TYPE == "INSPECTION" && a.TASK_AVAILABLE_FLAG == "Y" && a.TARGET_END_DATE == null
                    select a).AsQueryable();

data = data.Join(_db.CA_OBJECT.Where(o => o.ENTERED_BY == _userId),
                o => o.CA_OBJECT_ID, p => p.CA_OBJECT_ID,
                (t, p) => t)
            .Union(data.Join(_db.CA_PEOPLE.Where(p => p.EMAIL == _email),
                t => t.CA_OBJECT_ID, p => p.CA_OBJECT_ID,
                (t, p) => t))
            .Union(data.Join(_db.CA_CONTRACTOR.Where(c => c.CONTRACTOR.EMAIL == _email),
                t => t.CA_OBJECT_ID, c => c.CA_OBJECT_ID,
                (t, c) => t));


  • The code seems to be using Join/Union to execute basically a where predicate on the list of CA_TASK_VW, filtering it step by step to the final result, so what happens if you just specify the where condition directly?

    var data = from a in _db.CA_TASK_VW
               where a.TASK_TYPE == "INSPECTION" && a.TASK_AVAILABLE_FLAG == "Y" && a.TARGET_END_DATE == null
               select a;
    data = data.Where(t => _db.CA_OBJECT.Where(o => o.ENTERED_BY == _userId).Select(o => o.CA_OBJECT_ID).Contains(t.CA_OBJECT_ID) ||
                           _db.CA_PEOPLE.Where(p => p.EMAIL == _email).Select(p => p.CA_OBJECT_ID).Contains(t.CA_OBJECT_ID) ||
                           _db.CA_CONTRACTOR.Where(c => c.CONTRACTOR.EMAIL == _email).Select(c => c.CA_OBJECT_ID).Contains(t.CA_OBJECT_ID));