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Inconsistent ControlClick in Revit

I'm having inconsistent beavhior with ControlClick in Revit. I'm trying to use AHK to make shortcuts for things in revit that normally can't be assigned. Or to press multiple shortcuts at once. When using ControlClick to do this, the button is not always pressed. Sometimes I need to press the button multiple times before it clicks.

I've tried adding Winactivate and winwaitactive but I'm still getting the same behavior. I've tried it without the text, and at diferent times, 0, .1, .5, blank. Still can't get it to be consistent:

F11:: ;Edit Parameter
WinActivate, Family Types, &Modify...
WinWaitActive, Family Types, &Modify..., 1
Controlclick, &Modify..., Family Types

F12:: ;New Parameter
WinActivate, Family Types, A&dd...
WinWaitActive, Family Types, A&dd..., 1
ControlClick, A&dd..., Family Types

Below is the original:

#NoEnv ;Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotKey releases
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Revit.exe ;active in Revit
#SingleInstance force ;skips a dialog box when reloading the script after editing

F2:: ;Open selected section.
MouseClick, right
send, {g}

F3:: ;Toggle Link, underlay, and pinned locks.
send, {[ 2}
send, {] 2}
send, {\ 2}

F4:: ;clicks on family type pulldown, works when placing families or when changing type of family in place.
click, -190, 70

F5:: ;Toggle leader on tag
ControlClick, Leader, Autodesk Revit

F6:: ;Toggle Multiple when coping
ControlClick, Multiple, Autodesk Revit

+F4:: ;Edit Type
click, -68, 125

!F6:: ;Toggle Constrain when copying
ControlClick, Constrain, Autodesk Revit

;Family commands
;Family Type Commands

F11:: ;Edit Parameter
Controlclick, &Modify..., Family Types

F12:: ;New Parameter
ControlClick, A&dd..., Family Types


  • I would recommend trying the suggestions in the "Reliability" section for ControlClick in the help file, namely, using the "NA" option and/or SetControlDelay -1. If those don't work, I would try setting the "ClickCount" parameter to something higher than 1. Finally, if that doesn't work, I would recommend looping the ControlClick command on the problem-hotkeys in order to simulate multiple clicks.

    Alternatively, do alt+d and alt+m work? If so, you could just have it send those. (Send , !a or Send , !m)

    I don't know why ControlClick behavior is inconsistent in Revit, but I hopes this gets it working better.