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with autohotkey I am trying to move my windows with winMove but winMove doesn't work

I am trying to swap my windows from my screen, all the MsgBoxes works fine but WinMove still doesn't work any body can se what is wrong.

; Move from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2
    if (WinX >= Monitor1X && WinX < Monitor1EndX) {
        SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor2X, WinX, WinY, Monitor1X)
        MsgBox , 1 to 2, %Title%
    ; Move from Monitor 2 to Monitor 1
    else if (WinX >= Monitor2X && WinX < Monitor2EndX) {
        SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor1X, WinX, WinY, Monitor2X)
        MsgBox, 2 to 1, %Title%
    ; Handle fullscreen cases (X = -9)
    else if (WinX < 0 || WinY < 0) {
        WinGet, IsMaximized, MinMax, ahk_id %thisID%
        if (IsMaximized) {
            SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor2X, Monitor1X, WinY, Monitor1X)
            WinRestore, ahk_id %thisID%
        if (IsMaximized) {
            WinMaximize, ahk_id %thisID%
    else {
        MsgBox, Active window is not within defined screen boundaries.

SwapToScreen(ActiveWinID, TargetMonitorX, CurrentX, CurrentY, 
SourceMonitorX) {
NewX := TargetMonitorX + (CurrentX - SourceMonitorX)
WinGetPos, OldX, OldY, OldWidth, OldHeight, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%

; Adjust size based on scaling factor
if (TargetMonitorX = 0) {  
    ScaleFactor := 1  ; Moving to Monitor 1  
} else {  
    ScaleFactor := 1 ; Moving to Monitor 2  

NewWidth := OldWidth * ScaleFactor
NewHeight := OldHeight * ScaleFactor

; Move the window and report success
MsgBox, Moving Window ID: %ActiveWinID% to X: %NewX%, Y: %CurrentY%, Width: %NewWidth%, Height: %NewHeight%

WinMove, ahk_id %ActiveWinID% , %NewX% , %CurrentY% , %NewWidth%, %NewHeight%
MsgBox, Window moved successfully to X: %OldX%,%NewX%, Y: %OldY%,%CurrentY%, Width: %OldWidth%,%NewWidth%, Height: %OldHeight%,%NewHeight%.

if I can move it also I need to resize it becuase of different between resulations first I thought that s problem becuse it gives float height however I it doesnt work


  • Ok ı find it ,

    WinMove, WinTitle, WinText, X, Y [, Width, Height, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]

    İf I don't want to specify the WinText however still it needs the extra comma anyway