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Query for mongoRepository list

I have a MongoDB collection with documents with the following fields:

  • date (Date obj)
  • offerType (str)

I want to write a method with MongoRepository to find all the documents that has date in a range of dates and offerType contains one of the string provided in a list.



  1. date: 10-04-2019, offerType: offer1
  2. date: 11-04-2019, offerType: offer3
  3. date: 15-04-2019, offerType: offer2
  4. date: 15-04-2019, offerType: offer1

I want:

  • dates between 9-04-2019 and 12-04-2019
  • following offers: offer1, offer3

In the previous example I would obtain documents 1 and 2.

My code

I use MongoRepository and a custom Object which contains the fields I require:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public interface ReportVocalOrderRepository extends MongoRepository<ReportVocalOrder, String> {

    List<ReportVocalOrder> findByDateBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate, Pageable pageable);

    List<ReportVocalOrder> findByDateBetweenAndOfferTypeContaining(Date startDate, Date endDate, List<String> offers, Pageable pageable);


Here is the document class:

@Document(collection = Constants.Mongo.Collections.VOCAL_ORDER_REPORT)
public class ReportVocalOrder {

    private String id;

    private Date date;
private String offerType;
public Date getDate() {
        return date;

    public void setDate(Date date) { = date;
public String getOfferType() {
        return offerType;

    public void setOfferType(String offerType) {
        this.offerType = offerType;

The first method of the MongoRepository works fine; the second one instead returns an empty list.
The problem is to query the mongoRepository to search a field that can contain one of the values of the list passed as an argument.
What's wrong with this implementation? There's a better way to implement this query?


  • It was simpler than I thought. I post an answer for whom is interested:

    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.List;
    public interface ReportVocalOrderRepository extends MongoRepository<ReportVocalOrder, String> {
        List<ReportVocalOrder> findByDateBetweenAndOfferTypeIn(Date startDate, Date endDate, List<String> offers, Pageable pageable);

    So the point is to use the keyword In.