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Disable (JetBrains) code inspections for an entire project

I'd like to disable code inspections for certain projects (like tests or quick-n-dirty proof-of-concept ones).

The section Suppressing code inspections in specific scope goes only up to the file level by suggesting this:

Inspection [name of inspection] | Disable once with comment | Disable all inspection in file - this option inserts a single comment - ReSharper disable All in the beginning of the file. This comment suppresses all inspections the file.

What would I have to do to go even further and do the same but for an entire project?

This means:

  • not a solution
  • not a file
  • not a method
  • not entirely
  • not roslyn-analyzers
  • but just a single project


  • I've never used it, but I think this is the closest option you can try:

    enter image description here

    It's also explained in Jetbrains' website.