I have 2 <Select>
's. The values in the second are dependant on the selection made on the first. When I change the selected item in the first, the available options on the second update. But if I already have a selection made on the second, that option remains selected even if it isn't supposed to be available based on a change to the first select.
How can I reset the second select to have nothing selected when a change is made to the first select?
First Select:
<FormItem {...formTailLayout}>
{getFieldDecorator('Operation', {
rules: [
required: true
placeholder="Select an option"
{operations.map(operation => (
<Option value={operation.operation_id}>
Second Select:
<FormItem {...formTailLayout}>
{getFieldDecorator('Metric', {
rules: [
required: true
placeholder="Select an operation first"
metric => metric.operation_fk === operation_fk
.map(metric => (
<Option value={metric.metric_name}>
You need to take a look at Coordinated Controls example mentioned on ant-design page. You can simply use setFieldsValue
in your first onChange
method to set the value of second select field.
handleOperationChange = () => {
Metric: undefined
I have created a sandbox demo.