I want to print an ISO 8601 conforming string of the form of the complete date time representation as in ISO
4.3.2 Complete representations
1985-04-12T10:15:30Z combined with Representations with decimal fraction
as 23:20:50,5
combined as allowed in
4.3.3 Representations other than complete
as in the form of 19850412T101530,42+04 or 1985-04-12T10:15:30.32Z
with boost date time using the current (wall clock), but I am not even understanding how to print a simple date time string of the current time by using the boost documentation.
You say you want to print "current (wall clock)" but your example says "1985" ?...
The following will print current time in ISO format:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
int main()
auto now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
std::cout << to_iso_extended_string(now) << std::endl;
Note: ISO time is always in UTC timezone, so you can just append the "Z" (Zulu) suffix to it.
For more details refer to the Posix_time documentation.