I am writing a program in java that will look through a website's html data, find a certain text value, and then return that to me. I am very unfamiliar with working with HTML. Here is the code I have so far, relying on Jsoup.
public static void getPlayerData() throws IOException
Document page = Jsoup.connect("theURL").get();
String title = page.title();
Elements players = page.getElementsByClass("playerName playerNameNoHealth");
for (Element span : players)
The class that I have it looking for is here in the website's structure
<body class="">
<div id-"mcmap" class="dynmap">
<div class ="map leaflet-container leaflet-fade-anim">
<div class ="leaflet-map-pane">
<div class ="leaflet-objects-pane">
<div class ="leaflet-marker-pane">
<div class="Marker playerMarker leaflet-marker-icon leaflet-clickable"style="transform: translate3d(281px, 75px, 0px); z-index: 75;">
<img class="playerIcon" src="tiles/faces/32x32/(The player's name)"">
<span class="playerName playerNameNoHealth">(Player's name)</span>
I'm not sure if it is not printing the Player's name because it is buried inside more classes, or if I have messed up the syntax for the Jsoup scraping.
Any Help is appreciated!
Try using this line instead:
Elements players = page.select(".playerName");