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Java - how to generate Swagger UI directly from openapi 3.0 specification

I have openapi 3.0 specification in yaml format and my application that generates code from it. Everything works fine except generation of swagger ui. I use spring-fox for its generation, but it seems like it generates swagger ui 2.0 version from controllers, that are generated from openapi specification.

How can I generate swagger ui directly from my 3.0 spec and not from controllers, that are generated from 3.0 openapi spec?


  • Well I have solved the problem (the solution is pretty cumbersome though).

    First of all I added swagger ui webjar -

                <!-- Download Swagger UI webjar. -->

    Then I transform my yaml specification to json format and copy it to swagger-ui webjar directory:


    Next we need to set specification path in swagger-ui. According to swagger-ui API we can pass spec JSON variable instead of url. So to initialize this spec variable and to edit swagger ui rendering I use replacer plugin in maven:

                    <!-- Replace the OpenAPI specification example URL with the local one. -->
                            <!-- Static index html with swagger UI rendering and OAS in JSON format. -->
                            <!-- This replacement imports spec json variable into static html page. -->
                                <value>&lt;script src="./openapi.json"&gt; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script&gt;</value>
                            <!-- This part replaces url input variable with spec variable. -->
                                <value>spec: spec</value>
                            <!-- This replacement initializes spec variable, that will be passed to swagger ui index.html. -->
                                <value>spec = {</value>

    So at this step after build we got static resource with swagger ui. Last thing to do is to serve it with Spring.

    public class SwaggerConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
        public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
        //this method was introduced just for convenient swagger ui access. Without it swagger ui can be accessed with /index.html GET call   
        public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {

    So this is it. It would be great if you comment this answer and point on how to simplify this procedure.