I've written a script that queries our Domain controllers AD, and pulls out data to create an email signature, I've done this using numerous tutorials online as I've previously not had any experience with this language.
Everything works perfectly, with the exception of one field; mobile phone.
I would like to print a line, only if that field contains any data, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'm sure it's a simple solution but I'm drawing a complete blank.
On Error Resume Next
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
' ########### This section connects to Active Directory as the currently logged on user
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
strUKPhone = "+44 (0)20 3457 7633"
strUKMobile = objUser.mobile
strEmail = objuser.mail
strWeb = objuser.wWWHomePage
strNotes = objuser.info
strExt = objuser.ipPhone
strDDI = objuser.homephone
strSALUTATION = "Kind regards,"
strEmailTEXT = "E "
strWebTEXT = "W "
strAddressTEXT = "A "
strPhoneTEXT = "T "
strMobileTEXT = "M "
' ########### Sets up word template
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.Style = "No Spacing"
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
' ########### Calls the variables from above section and inserts into word template, also sets initial font typeface, colour etc.
objselection.TypeText strEmailTEXT
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
objselection.Font.Bold = false
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range, "mailto: " & strEmail, , , strEmail)
objLink.Range.Font.Name = "Arial"
objLink.Range.Font.Size = 8.5
objLink.Range.Font.Bold = false
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
objSelection.TypeText " | "
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (181,021,059)
objSelection.TypeText strMobileTEXT
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
objSelection.TypeText strUKMobile
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (181,021,059)
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "Email Signature", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "Email Signature"
objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "Email Signature"
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objDoc.Saved = True
Remove the line strUKMobile = objUser.mobile
where it is now and in the part where you are building the text, do this:
objselection.TypeText strEmailTEXT
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
objselection.Font.Bold = false
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range, "mailto: " & strEmail, , , strEmail)
objLink.Range.Font.Name = "Arial"
objLink.Range.Font.Size = 8.5
objLink.Range.Font.Bold = false
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
' Only write this if the mobile phone has a value
If Not (IsNull(objUser.mobile) Or IsEmpty(objUser.mobile)) Then
strUKMobile = objUser.mobile
objSelection.TypeText " | "
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (181,021,059)
objSelection.TypeText strMobileTEXT
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,000,000)
objSelection.TypeText strUKMobile
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (181,021,059)
End If