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How to calculate different Trend line types in SQL function

i have been seeking a good way to calculate excel like trendlines for my desktop app's dashboard graps.

most common trend types must be like

Type = 1 Linear Y = a + b*X
Type = 2 EXponential Y = a*e^(b*X)   
Type = 3 Logarithmic Y = a + b*ln(X)
Type = 4 Power Y = a*X^b

so here is how i solved my issue.


  • we need an input type to make it an SQL function

    CREATE Type XYTableType 
    AS TABLE (X float, Y float)

    X can be a datetime if you want to work with time series. i try to make this function as simple as possible

    create FUNCTION dbo.fn_TrendLine(@Type TINYINT, @raw_data XYTableType READONLY)
    RETURNS @TrendTable TABLE(X float, Y float, Yt float)
        DECLARE @n DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @x DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @x2 DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @y DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @xy DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @y2 DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @a DECIMAL(38, 10),
            @b DECIMAL(38, 10)
        @x= sum(CASE
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN X
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN LOG(X)
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN LOG(X)
                ELSE X
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN X * X
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN LOG(X) * LOG(X)
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN LOG(X) * LOG(X)
                ELSE X * X
        @y= sum(CASE
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN LOG(Y)
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN Y
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN LOG(Y)
                ELSE Y
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN X * LOG(Y)
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN LOG(X) * Y
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN LOG(X) * LOG(Y)
                ELSE X * Y
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN LOG(Y) * LOG(Y)
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN Y * Y
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN LOG(Y) * LOG(Y)
                ELSE Y * Y
        FROM @raw_data
        where Y is not null
        set @a = (@x2 * @y - @x * @xy) / (@n * @x2 - @x * @x)
        set @b = (@n * @xy - @x * @y) / (@n * @x2 - @x * @x )
        if @Type in (2,4)
            set @a = exp(@a)
        INSERT INTO @TrendTable(X, Y, Yt)
        SELECT  X,Y,
            Yt= case 
                WHEN @Type = 2 THEN @a *exp(log(exp(1))*(@b * X))
                WHEN @Type = 3 THEN @a + @b * LOG(X)
                WHEN @Type = 4 THEN @a * exp(log(X)*@b) 
                ELSE @a + @b * X
        from @raw_data

    here is an example

    DECLARE @raw_data XYTableType
    insert into @raw_data
    values (1,1.15),(2,1.82),(3,3.13),(4,4.28),(5,4.67),(6,5.79),(7,7.81),(8,8.35),(9,9.40),(10,9.98),(11,5.79),(12,7.81),(13,8.35),(14,9.40),(15,null),(16,null)
    select * from dbo.fn_TrendLine(1, @raw_data)
    select * from dbo.fn_TrendLine(2, @raw_data)
    select * from dbo.fn_TrendLine(3, @raw_data)
    select * from dbo.fn_TrendLine(4, @raw_data)

    x15 and x16 are there for extrapolations. you simply can copy results and paste it into an excel sheet to check with graphs or builtin excel functions.

    important note: type 3,4 can't work with negative X values, 2,4 can't work with negative Y values. preparing the data is important before you calculate the certain types.