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How to bind an ID to the selected value of an @Html.DropDownList within a WebGrid

I have a View in my MVC project that has a WebGrid which is binded by an "Account" model that I passed into the View.

In my "Account" Controller I created a List of SelectedListItem's that I contains the DropDownList options which I then set to a ViewBag:

public ActionResult Index()
   var accounts = db.Accounts;
   var groups = db.Groups;

   List<SelectListItem> groupList = new List<SelectListItem>();
   foreach(var item in groups)
       groupList.Add(new SelectListItem()
            Value = item.group_id.ToString(),
             Text = item.group_name

    ViewBag.Groups = groupList;

    return View(accounts);

The DropDownList contains 3 entries with their value and text as follows:

1, One 2, Two 3, Three

My problem is getting the group_id (Value) of the binded data to properly display the group_name (Text) on the DropDownList.

This is what I have so far:

grid.Column("group_id","Group", format: (item) => @Html.DropDownList("GroupId", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Groups))

The DropDownList does contains all 3 values I mentioned previously, it just doesn't set the DropDownList to the proper one at all for all the binded Accounts, as the image shows:

Account WebGrid

I have edited this post to add my View code.

@model IEnumerable<Account>

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

    WebGrid grid = new WebGrid(Model, rowsPerPage: 10);

<h2>Fee Invoices</h2>

@grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "table table-bordered",
 mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
 firstText: "<< First",
 previousText: "< Prev",
 nextText: "Next >",
 lastText: "Last >>",
    columns: grid.Columns(
    grid.Column("account_name", "Account"),
    grid.Column("account_number", "Account Number"),
    grid.Column("as_of_date", "Date", format: (item) => string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", item.as_of_date)),
    grid.Column("approved", "Approved", format: @<text><input id="select" class="box" name="select" type="checkbox" @(item.approved ? "checked='checked'" : "") value="@item.approved" /></text>),
    grid.Column("group_id","Group", format: (item) => @Html.DropDownList("GroupId", (List<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Groups))



  • You can pass a Dictionary<int, string> of group_id and group_name to your view instead of the list of SelectListItem and then use it to create the DropDownList with the correct value selected.

    In the controller

    public ActionResult Index()
       var accounts = db.Accounts;
       var groups = db.Groups;
       // this line creates a Dictionary<int, string> where group_id is the key and group_name the value
       var groupsNames = groups.ToDictionary(x => x.group_id, x => x.group_name);
       ViewBag.GroupsNames = groupsNames;
       return View(accounts);

    Then in the view declare a function like this (usually before the html part)

        public List<SelectListItem> CreateSelectList(int groupId)
            var newList = new List<SelectListItem>();
            foreach (var val in (Dictionary<int, string>)ViewBag.GroupsNames)
                newList.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text = val.Value,
                    Value = val.Key.ToString(),
                    Selected = val.Key == groupId
            return newList;

    and use it to populate the drop down list

    grid.Column("group_id", "Group", format: (item) => Html.DropDownList("GroupId", CreateSelectList((int)item.group_id)))

    Or, if you don't need the drop down list but instead just want to display the name of the group you can do

    grid.Column("group_id", "Group", format: (item) => ((Dictionary<int, string>)ViewBag.GroupsNames)[item.group_id])

    and in this case you don't need the function.