I have two classes A and B A class contains a method which has some of the local variables. now I want to fetch a particular variable's data type in the B class. can you please help me with this.
I researched about java reflection. but I found that I can not achieve this by using reflection, as local variables are stored in stack at the runtime. And reflection can only fetch instance or class variables.
for example,
class A{
class B{
method 2(){
fetch variable1;
I want the data type of variable1 as a result.
Is there any way to achieve it using mocking or something?
thanks for your support. I found the answer myself. I can do this via Java Regex Concept. As I know a little about the variable's naming pattern, So I am planning to parse the class1.java file and first will try pattern matching the method name and then the variables name. So that I will get the line on which the variable is declared. for example, if my variable is object, String abc=new String();
I will try regex like, String regex=".=new.().*"
So this will fulfill my purpose. Thanks again for helping.