I am trying to block an array of urls based on user input. I have the url array in JSON format, but the sites are not actually being blocked when I navigate to them. If I use only one site, instead of an array, it does get blocked successfully. Here is the function.
function addListener(){
function(){ return {cancel: true}; },
urls: blockedUrls()
And here is my function blockedUrls.
var blockedUrls = function () {
chrome.storage.sync.get(['block'], function(result) {
if (typeof result.block === 'undefined') {
//blocks is not yet set
var jobj = ["*://www.whatever.com/*"];
return [jobj[0]];
console.log("not set");
var xt = JSON.parse(result.block);
return JSON.stringify(xt.urls);
return ["*://www.whatever.com/*"];
The console.log does print out what I want, which is this (some were just used for testing obviously)
And, if it helps, here is where the sites get initially set into chrome storage, from the variable request.newSites.
var jsonStr = '{"urls":["doesntexist.com"]}';
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
//add url matching patterns to the urls from user input
for (var i = 0; i < request.newSite.length; i++){
obj['urls'].push( '*://www.' + request.newSite[i] + '/*');
jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj);
chrome.storage.sync.set({'block': jsonStr}, function(){
Thanks in advance.
There are a couple of problems with your code:
1) chrome.storage.sync.get
's callback function is asynchronous. Therefore, in your function blockedUrls
the return value will always be ["*://www.whatever.com/*"]
, because the line return ["*://www.whatever.com/*"];
will run before chrome.storage.sync.get
's callback function.
2) The second argument of chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest
listener should be an object in the following form:
{urls: theUrls}
where theUrls
is an Array of strings, not a string.
Apart from that, you can take advantage of the fact that chrome.storage
can store objects and arrays directly, so there is no need to stringify them.
Try with:
var obj = {urls: ['*://doesntexist.com/*']};
for (var i = 0, j = request.newSite.length; i < j; i++){
obj.urls.push( '*://www.' + request.newSite[i] + '/*');
chrome.storage.sync.set({block: obj}, function(){
function addListener() {
chrome.storage.sync.get('block', function (result) {
var myUrls = result.block || ["*://www.whatever.com/*"];
return {cancel: true}
{urls: myUrls},
["blocking"] );