I have a DevEx Xtragrid component displaying multiple sets of numeric data. I would like to show this as multiple series on a line chart. I want to toggle between displaying the data in a grid and on a chart at the click of a button.
Is there an 'easy' way in DevEx to accomplish this?
You can create the specific UserControls/Views based on grid and chart and then dock both into the single container(Panel). To toggle display mode you can use the following code:
viewGrid.Dock = Dock.Fill;
viewGrid.Visible = true; // show grid initially
viewGrid.Parent = pnlContainer;
viewChart.Dock = Dock.Fill;
viewChart.Visible = false; // hide chart initially
viewChart.Parent = pnlContainer;
// ...
void btn_ToggleView(object sender, EventArgs e){
bool showChart = viewGrid.Visible;
viewGrid.Visible = !showChart;
viewChart.Visible = showChart;
P.S. DevExpress also provides the Navigation Frame container that hosts multiple pages and allows only one of them to be displayed at a time.