I'm hoping someone will be able to tell me why the equation that Excel generated is not giving the correct results as it is graphed correctly.
I have some X and Y points that I will list below. I plotted those points in Excel and then plotted the trend line, and had it show me the equation of the trendline. When I take the equation and then plug in the X values I get very different answers back.
X and Y Values
0 3
3 2
5 1.4
7 1
10 0.5
18 0.1
When I set the intercept to 3, the equation of the trendline is y = 0.0088x5 - 0.1457x4 + 0.8753x3 - 2.224x2 + 1.4798x + 3
Screenshot of Excel window with equation
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I suspect you didn't set up your graph correctly.
Note that you can obtain the formula directly using the LINEST
worksheet function.
=LINEST(Y,X^{1,2,3,4,5}) returns the array:
The last value in the array is the y-intercept The slight differences are due to the use of different algorithms for the two methods.