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Java double brace initialization vs lambda

If you search 'java double brace' you'll find strong arguments against using it.

Every time someone uses double brace initialisation, a kitten gets killed.

The arguments are you're creating way too many anonymous classes and you're potentially creating a memory leak.

Are lambdas any different? They each create an anonymous inner class, they each reference their enclosing closure.


  • Lambda expressions are different from an anonymous inner class that happens to implement a functional interface.

    Anonymous inner classes will create their own class file at compilation, usually something along the lines of Foo$1.class, if it's contained in the Foo class. It is a fully functional class that implements an interface or subclasses a class. To reference local values outside its scope, it will, behind the scenes, create an instance variable in the anonymous inner class that represents a copy of the value. This is why the variable must be effectively final -- otherwise the actual variable may change and the copy may be stale.

    Lambda expressions don't create anonymous inner classes. They use a java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory that produces a CallSite that can be used later to execute the lambda expression. The lambda expression, whether it's a block or an expression, gets converted to a hidden private static method within the class in which it's contained. Instead of creating a class with a hidden variable, captured values get translated into parameters of the hidden private static method. Local values still must be effectively final because the value passed to the method is again a copy. The method gets invoked by a invokedynamic instruction in the JVM.
