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Differences between Red's 5 function types, and why does it distinguish them?

In Red, there are functions of datatypes function!, op!, native!, routine! and action!. What are the differences between them? As far as I know function! is used for user-defined functions and op! for infix operators, and routine! for functions defined in Red/System, but why is there a need for the other two?


  • function!

    As you've guessed yourself, function!s are user-defined functions that support refinements and typechecking, and can also contain embedded docstrings.

    Typically, function! values are created with func, function, does and has constructors, and utilize so-called spec dialect; but, in theory, nothing stops you from making your own constructors or devising your own spec formats.

    It's also worth noting that function!s fully support reflection.


    op!s are infix wrappers on top of other 4 types of functions - they take one value on the left and result of an expression on the right, and they also take precedence other functions during evaluation.

    op! values are limited to two arguments, don't support refinements, and have a limited support for reflection (e.g. you can't inspect their bodies with body-of).


    routines! exist in both realms of Red and Red/System (low-level dialect on top of which Red runtime is build). Their specs are written in spec dialect, but their bodies contain Red/System code. Oh, and they support reflection.

    Usually they are used for library bindings (like the SQL lib you've mentioned), interaction with runtime, or for performance bottlenecks (Red/System is a compiled language, so rewriting perfomance-critial parts of your app as a set of routine!s will give you a significant boost, at the cost of mandatory compilation).


    native!s are functions written in Red/System (for perfomance, simplicity or feasibility reasons) and compiled down to native code (hence the name). Not sure what else can be said about them, aside from implementation details. native! aren't very user-facing, so you might want to study Red's source code in case you have any questions left.


    action!s are a standardized set of function written in Red/System (just like native!s) that each datatype implements (or inherits) as its "method". action! are polymorphic in a sense that they dispatch on their first argument:

    >> add 1 2%
    == 1.02
    >> add 2% 1
    == 102%
    >> append [1] "2"
    == [1 "2"]
    >> append "1" [2]
    == "12"

    In mainstream languages this typically looks like "1".append([2]) or something like that.

    Distinction between action!s and native!s boils down to a design choice:

    • you can have as many native! as you want, but action!s, for efficiency, have a fixed-size dispatch table (which means that maximum number of action!s per datatype is limited; minimum number is two: make [to create value] and mold [to serialize value to string!]).

    • logically, action!s are organized around datatype to which they belong, in one file, while native!s aren't really concerned with datatypes, and implement control flow, trigonometric functions, operations on sets, etc.

    Coincidentially, just recently we have a similar discussion about action!s and native!s in our community chat, which you might want to read. I can also recommend to skim thru Rudolf Meijer's Red specification draft, and, of course, official reference documentation.

    As for "why" in your question - distinction between 5 types is just an implementation detail, inherited from Rebol. Logically, they all implement what you might call a "function" from conceptual standpoint, and fall into any-function! camp.