I'm trying to test a communication between my LPC4370 cortex-m4 micro (LPC Link2 eval board) and my computer, using the VCOM exaple provided with LPCOpen. I simply want to sent data from matlab, copy them in a int32_t array and send them back to host.
Here's what I tried. From Matlab:
For the C part, I summarize with only relevant code:
#define RAW_SIZE 1024
unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef int int32_t;
// My Buffer
__DATA(RAM) int32_t buffer_rt_s[RAW_SIZE] = {0};
// VCOM-UART rx buffer
static uint8_t g_rxBuff[4*RAW_SIZE];
int i;
int main()
vcom_bread((uint8_t*)&g_rxBuff[0], 4*RAW_SIZE);
for(i=0; i < RAW_SIZE; i=i+1)
vcom_write((uint8_t*)&buffer_rt_s[0], 4*RAW_SIZE);
What I'm trying to do here
for(i=0; i < RAW_SIZE; i=i+1)
is to access the receving buffer advancing by 4 bytes at each iteration. So I ask for the address
And then for the content at that location, specifying I want a 32 bit number (i.e. 4 bytes):
Results form Matlab plot. To me it seems a lot like I'm reading the addresses of the receiving buffer instead of the content. Notice that I already used the vcom functions with matlab, and I know for sure that they are working.
Any help would be appreciated. Andrea
There's lots of different problems here.
Any data protocol sent over UART or other data communication will have something referred to as "network endianess". This is the MS/LS byte order used by the communication protocol. By tradition, this is almost always big endian.
Your PC is almost certainly little endian. Cortex M4 support both big and little but typically default to little endian. This is the case with LPC4370.
You need to sort out exactly how bytes are stored in memory and in the protocol before doing anything else.
is not necessarily allocated on an even address, nor is the received protocol necessarily allocating integers on even addresses. Meaning that accessing it's contents through an int32_t
may lead to misaligned access.
array through a int32_t
pointer access is always a strict aliasing violation bug. (You can do the other way around, as a special case.) See What is the strict aliasing rule? To avoid the latter two problems, you can either allocate memory at specific addresses and then hardcopy all memory with memcpy. Or alternatively, use some union
typedef union
uint8_t u8 [4];
int32_t i32;
} i32_t;