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multi-sensors fusion using Kalman filter

I need to use the Kalman filter to fuse multi-sensors positions for gaussian measurement (for example 4 positions as the input of the filter and 1 position as output). It is possible to help me with some examples or tutorials because all the examples I found are related to the estimation of the positions?


  • OPTION 1

    Weighted Avarage

    In this case you don't need to implement a real Kalman Filter. You just can use the signal variances to calculate the weights and then calculate the weighted avarage of the inputs. The weights can be found as an inverse of the variances.

    So if you have two signals S1 and S2 with variances V1 and V2, then the fused result would be

    enter image description here

    A fusion example can be seen on the next plot.

    enter image description here

    I simulated two signals. The variance of the second signal changes over the time. As long as it's smaller than the variance of the first signal the fused result is close to the second signal. It is not the case when the variance of the second signal is too high.

    OPTION 2

    Kalman Filter with Multiple Update Steps

    The classical Kalman Filter uses prediction and update steps in a loop:


    In your case you have 4 independent measurements, so you can use those readings after each other in separate update steps:

    update 1
    update 2
    update 3
    update 4
    update 1

    A very nice point is that the order of those updates does not matter! You can use updates 1,2,3,4 or 3,2,4,1. In both cases you should get the same fused output.

    Compared to the first option you have following pros:

    • You have a variance propogation
    • You have the system noise matrix Q, so you can control the smoothness of the fused output

    Here is my matlab code:

    function [] = main()
        % time step
        dt = 0.01;
        n = numel(t);
        %ground truth
        signal = sin(t)+t; 
        % state matrix
        X = zeros(2,1);
        % covariance matrix
        P = zeros(2,2);
        % kalman filter output through the whole time
        X_arr = zeros(n, 2);
        % system noise
        Q = [0.04 0;
             0 1];
        % transition matrix
        F = [1 dt;
             0 1]; 
        % observation matrix 
        H = [1 0];
        % variance of signal 1 
        s1_var = 0.08*ones(size(t)); 
        s1 = generate_signal(signal, s1_var);
        % variance of signal 2 
        s2_var = 0.01*(cos(8*t)+10*t);
        s2 = generate_signal(signal, s2_var);
        % variance of signal 3 
        s3_var = 0.02*(sin(2*t)+2);
        s3 = generate_signal(signal, s3_var);
        % variance of signal 4 
        s4_var = 0.06*ones(size(t)); 
        s4 = generate_signal(signal, s4_var);
        % fusion
        for i = 1:n
            if (i == 1)
                [X, P] = init_kalman(X, s1(i, 1)); % initialize the state using the 1st sensor
                [X, P] = prediction(X, P, Q, F);
                [X, P] = update(X, P, s1(i, 1), s1(i, 2), H);
                [X, P] = update(X, P, s2(i, 1), s2(i, 2), H);
                [X, P] = update(X, P, s3(i, 1), s3(i, 2), H);
                [X, P] = update(X, P, s4(i, 1), s4(i, 2), H);
            X_arr(i, :) = X;
        plot(t, signal, 'LineWidth', 4);
        hold on;
        plot(t, s1(:, 1), '--', 'LineWidth', 1);
        plot(t, s2(:, 1), '--', 'LineWidth', 1);
        plot(t, s3(:, 1), '--', 'LineWidth', 1);
        plot(t, s4(:, 1), '--', 'LineWidth', 1);
        plot(t, X_arr(:, 1), 'LineWidth', 4);
        hold off;
        grid on;
        legend('Ground Truth', 'Sensor Input 1', 'Sensor Input 2', 'Sensor Input 3', 'Sensor Input 4', 'Fused Output');
    function [s] = generate_signal(signal, var)
        noise = randn(size(signal)).*sqrt(var);
        s(:, 1) = signal + noise;
        s(:, 2) = var; 
    function [X, P] = init_kalman(X, y)
        X(1,1) = y;
        X(2,1) = 0;
        P = [100 0;
             0   300];
    function [X, P] = prediction(X, P, Q, F)
        X = F*X;
        P = F*P*F' + Q;
    function [X, P] = update(X, P, y, R, H)
        Inn = y - H*X;
        S = H*P*H' + R;
        K = P*H'/S;
        X = X + K*Inn;
        P = P - K*H*P;

    And here is the result:

    Fusion of several sensors with a kalman filter