I have a question how JVM processes with JNA wrappers show memory consumption.
For example I run Java application which uses OpenCV JNA wrapper. Java application itself consumes for example 1GB of RAM and OpenCV native libs consume 3GB of RAM.
So totally, when I will find appropriate Java JVM process(via ps
command) it will show 1GB of RAM or 4GB(1 + 3) of RAM?
Your ps
output will show 1GB for RSS (the Resident Set Size -- how much memory is allocated to that process and is in RAM.) The Java process will not directly show the used Native memory; however, it will appear as a portion of the VSZ (Virtual Memory Size -- all memory that the process can access, including memory that is swapped out, memory that is allocated, but not used, and memory that is from shared libraries.)
For example, I wrote the following code:
import com.sun.jna.Memory;
public class TinyJavaBigC {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Grab 1 GiB of memory
Memory buf = new Memory(1 << 30);
// Sleep long enough to grab ps
Regardless of the amount of Native memory reserved using new Memory(bytes)
(which effectively calls malloc
) the Java application consistently used the same amount memory in RSS, and limiting the Java heap size using -Xmx
did not prevent allocation of native memory beyond this limit. The 1 GiB of native memory clearly disappeared from the OS's "available" memory, however.
I placed the above code in a loop incrementing the shift left value for allocation, and ran it using -Xmx512m
which should have limited JVM heap to 512 MiB. The RSS, which includes all JVM Stack and Heap Memory, remained in the ~50 MiB range. The allocated memory does show up in VSZ
associated with the process. As this also includes other types of memory it's not a direct measure, and vastly exceeds the available RAM and swapfile size constraints but it does at least give some indication of increased allocation.
Native Memory RSS VSZ
1 byte 42.0 MiB 9.6 GiB
2 bytes 45.8 MiB 9.6 GiB
4 bytes 46.0 MiB 9.6 GiB
8 bytes 46.1 MiB 9.6 GiB
16 bytes 46.3 MiB 9.6 GiB
32 bytes 46.5 MiB 9.6 GiB
64 bytes 47.0 MiB 9.6 GiB
128 bytes 47.5 MiB 9.6 GiB
256 bytes 47.6 MiB 9.6 GiB
512 bytes 48.9 MiB 9.6 GiB
1 KiB 49.1 MiB 9.6 GiB
2 KiB 49.2 MiB 9.6 GiB
4 KiB 49.3 MiB 9.6 GiB
8 KiB 49.3 MiB 9.6 GiB
16 KiB 49.8 MiB 9.6 GiB
32 KiB 50.1 MiB 9.6 GiB
64 KiB 50.1 MiB 9.6 GiB
128 KiB 50.6 MiB 9.6 GiB
256 KiB 51.4 MiB 9.6 GiB
512 KiB 51.3 MiB 9.6 GiB
1 MiB 51.4 MiB 9.6 GiB
2 MiB 51.4 MiB 9.6 GiB
4 MiB 51.4 MiB 9.6 GiB
8 MiB 51.4 MiB 9.6 GiB
16 MiB 51.3 MiB 9.7 GiB
32 MiB 51.3 MiB 9.7 GiB
64 MiB 51.7 MiB 9.8 GiB
128 MiB 51.7 MiB 9.9 GiB
256 MiB 51.6 MiB 10.1 GiB
512 MiB 51.6 MiB 10.5 GiB
1 GiB 51.7 MiB 11.3 GiB
2 GiB 51.8 MiB 12.8 GiB
4 GiB 51.9 MiB 15.8 GiB
8 GiB 51.9 MiB 21.8 GiB
16 GiB 52.0 MiB 33.8 GiB
32 GiB 52.0 MiB 57.8 GiB
64 GiB 52.1 MiB 105.8 GiB
128 GiB 52.1 MiB 201.8 GiB
256 GiB 52.5 MiB 393.8 GiB
512 GiB 52.6 MiB 777.8 GiB
1 TiB 52.7 MiB 1.5 TiB
2 TiB 52.7 MiB 3.0 TiB
4 TiB 52.8 MiB 6.0 TiB
8 TiB 52.9 MiB 12.0 TiB
16 TiB 53.1 MiB 24.0 TiB
32 TiB 53.2 MiB 48.0 TiB
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Cannot allocate 70368744177664 bytes