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WebSphere is not displaying webpage element when url contains string "?error "

I am working on a Spring security project where if User inserts wrong userId - password, webpage will update with "Invalid Login Attempt" message.

I am sending redirect on AuthenticationFailureHandler.onAuthenticationFailure

code snippet for onAuthenticationFailure() implementation.

  public void onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
      AuthenticationException exception) throws IOException, ServletException {
      //some logic
      response.sendRedirect(String.format("%s?error", getUrl());

Resource Html page has div tag with thymeleaf dependency to identify error object and display message

<div th:if="${error}" id="loginFailedMessage" class="alert alert-danger">
   Invalid login attempt.

So far this implementation works on Jboss application server and WebLogic application server - however when not for websphere. Is there a reason why WebSphere is blocking such url invocation - any configuration am I missing. I have tired different version of WebSphere up to

ps. there are no errors in any logs ffdc or application logs.


  • Solution will be to use error=true in url. for some reason websphere does not allow url parameter without assigning values.

      public void onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
          AuthenticationException exception) throws IOException, ServletException {
          //some logic
          response.sendRedirect(String.format("%s?error=true", getUrl());