I am using dns filter in logstash for my csv file. In my csv file, I have two fields. They are website and count.
Here's the sample content of my csv file:
|website|n| |www.google.com|n1| |www.yahoo.com|n2| |www.bing.com|n3| |www.stackoverflow.com|n4| |www.smackcoders.com|n5| |www.zoho.com|n6| |www.quora.com|n7| |www.elastic.co|n8|
Here's my logstash config file:
input {
file {
path => "/home/paulsteven/log_cars/cars_dns.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
columns => ["website","n"]
dns {
resolve => [ "website" ]
action => "replace"
hit_cache_size => 8000
hit_cache_ttl => 300
failed_cache_size => 1000
failed_cache_ttl => 10
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "dnsfilter03"
document_type => "details"
Here's the sample data passing through logstash:
"@version" => "1",
"path" => "/home/paulsteven/log_cars/cars_dns.csv",
"website" => "",
"n" => "n21",
"host" => "smackcoders",
"message" => "www.smackcoders.com,n21",
"@timestamp" => 2019-04-23T10:41:15.680Z
In the logstash config file, I want to know about hit_cache_size
. What is the use of it. I read the guide of dns filter in th elastic website but unable to figure it out. I added the field in my logstash config but nothing happened. can i get any examples for that. I want to know the use of hit_cache_size
. What is the job, it's doing in dns filter
The hit_cache_size
allows you to store the result of a successful request, so if you need to run a dns request on the same host will look into the cache instead and only will do a dns lookup if the host is not cached.
If your data has unique hosts then there is no reason to use the hit_cache_size
since the hosts only appears once.
The hit_cache_ttl
works with the hit_cache_size
and says how many seconds the request will be stored in the cache.